Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 Types of LinkedIn Summaries

5 Types of LinkedIn Summaries5 Types of LinkedIn SummariesThere are over 530 million LinkedIn profiles spanning over 200 countries. It is extremely easy to get lost in such a large crowd. The importance of having a targeted LinkedIn summary is now more important than ever. If you are looking to target your audience the right way, we offer these five schrifts of LinkedIn summaries to help you do it.Do notlage write just another boring LinkedIn summary that people ignore. Make sure it connects with the people you need to network with.1. Personality summaryThis type of summary targets an audience looking for people with soft skills. The deal is here...You do not have lots of experience and you still need to network. So, you have to show your personality. People will be learning more about what you are more than what you do or have done.These types of summaries are great for those looking to make lots of connections. After all, you are showing others that you need to networkand with 500 million profiles on LinkedIn, there are bound to be many others like you.2. Mission summaryYou are a person on a mission and your LinkedIn summary is going to let people know exactly what that mission is Start off with a broad description of what you do. Then, get more and more specific as your summary continues, almost as if you were at the podium giving a speech about your mission in your career. These summaries are great for engaging a wide variety of people. Essentially, you are telling a story about the brand known as You. Your brand is telling a story to the entire world about what you plan to do and how you will contribute value to any company.3. Short and sweet summaryThe summary that shows you are not one to mince words. You get to the point. You explain what you do. And then, you are done. *mic drop* These summaries are great for job seekers because of the keyword usage combined with the high amount of recruiters on LinkedIn who use it to screen job candidates. If you are entrenched in a job search and have years of experience, this summary is a good idea.4. The mix summaryAs you would expect, this is a summary that combines your mission with your personality. These types of summaries are more human and conversational. If you have ever been to a face-to-face networking event and started talking about yourself, chances are you were talking out loud about your mission and people saw your personality while you did it.You can imagine the short and sweet summary would sound strange if spoken out loud to another person. Telling people your mission and personality is a great way for them to see the real you.5. Accomplishments summaryThe slightly brag-adocius summary actually goes over quite well with those seeking job candidates who know how to execute a strategy. Recruiters enjoy these summaries because they get to the point while mentioning results and explaining why you deserve to be hired anywhere. If you know you have lots of quantifiable results in yo ur career, do not be shy. An accomplishments summary will not make you look arrogant. It will display that you know what you want and know how to get it

Monday, December 23, 2019

Mentally strong How to become with secrets from neuroscience

Mentally strong How to become with secrets from neuroscienceMentally strong How to become with secrets from neuroscienceEver get to the point where your brain is just pooped? The ol grey matter is waving the white flag. Youre exhausted. You cant go on. Youve got no more mental energyWell, sorry, but thats just leid true.In fact, you know its not true. When the deadline is in 5 hours, you can work for five hours straight. But when the deadline is next week, suddenly you cant work for 20 minutes before your eyes are glazing over. What gives?Oddly enough, we can find an answer in cutting edge research coming out of Would you believe me if I said professional sports? Seriously.A sprinter breaks a record. The commentators are saying how that competitor gave it his or her all Really? Did the sprinter use every bit of energy they had? Then why didnt they passiv? Im serious.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWhy didnt their heart stop beating because it had no energy? Why didnt their brain stop functioning from lack of calories? Why didnt their thighs muscles snap?But youve never seen an athlete just die from exhaustion, have you? Why not? Something flipped the tired switch before their heart, brain or muscles gave out. Long before.And that thing is your governor. No, were not talking about politics. Were talking Central Governor Theory. Something in your brain that regulates energy use in your body - and your mind.At the end of a grueling event have you ever seen an athlete kick it into high gear? They were wiped, but suddenly the finish line is visible and the afterburners kick in. If they were really out of gas, how could they kick it up a notch in the final moments?Because they werent out of gas. Their governor told them they were tired. But with the end in sight, wily old G stopped holding them back.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of menschenwrdig wertmiger zuwachsBut when I asked Noakes for the single fruchtwein convincing piece of evidence in favor of his theory, he said, without hesitation, the end spurt. How could the runners at Comrades, after pushing themselves through 56 miles of hell, summon a finishing sprint to beat the 12-hour limit? Conventional physiology suggests that you get progressively more fatigued over the course of a run, as muscle fibers fail and fuel stores are emptied. But then, when the end is in sight, you speed up. Clearly your muscles were capable of going faster in the preceding miles so why didnt they?Your brain doesnt want your gas tank to ever get anywhere close to zero. It doesnt want you to blow ligaments or tear muscles. And it also knows that its quite the energy hog itself, with your neurons burning as many as 20% of your daily calories.So its a miser. The governor errs on the side of being conservative. And your body and your mind feel tired long before youve gotten anywhere near empty.But can we trick that governor into easing up a bit so we can increase our mental stamina? Sure we can. The answer lies at the intersection of sports science and neuroscience. And its not nearly as difficult as you think.Lets get to it 1) Cheer upWant to be mentally tougher? Want the challenges ahead to seem easier? Try this esoteric technique called smiling.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance known as the facial feedback hypothesis, an idea that can be traced back to Charles Darwin just as emotions trigger a physical response, that physical response can amplify or perhaps even create the corresponding emotion. Related experiments have extended this finding to clusters of related mental states smiling, for instance, makes you happier, but it also enhances feelings of safety and- intriguingly- cognitive ease, a concept intimately tied to effort.You get exhausted and you grimace. But when you grimace you make yourself tired. The fe edback loop works both ways. So smile. You can trick your governor into thinking things are easy.Across the board, feeling good increases endurance. Optimism increases grit. Looking at cute animals reduces stress. And thats not only true in the lab What do people with the highest levels of mental and physical endurance say? When I interviewed Army Ranger Joe Asher he said this was the attitude that got him through his incredibly difficult trainingIf I can laugh once a day, every day Im in Ranger School, Ill make it through.Navy SEAL Platoon Commander James Waters told me the same thingYouve got to have fun and be able to laugh laugh at yourself and laugh at what youre doing. My best friend and I laughed our way through BUD/S.If you want to be able to endure, be positive. Smile. Laugh. It helps people keep going during the toughest moments in life, including combat and severe illness.From Resilience The Science of Mastering Lifes Greatest ChallengesSubstantial evidence exists for the effectiveness of humor as a coping mechanism. Studies involving combat veterans (Hendin Haas, 1984), cancer patients (Carver, 1993), and surgical patients (Culver et al., 2002) have found that when humor is used to reduce the threatening nature of stressful situations, it is associated with resilience and the capacity to tolerate stress (Martin, 2003).(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling book here.)Now if that was all it took, high school cheerleaders would win all the edel Prizes in physics and go on to be Navy SEALs. So what else does it take to build mental endurance?2) Train your brainYour brain is a muscle. Its cliche, I know. But even when we want to get mentally stronger we sure dont put that metaphor into action.If you wanted bigger biceps, youd increase the weight at the gym. And if you want more brain stamina, you need to systematically increase how long you make it work.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits o f Human Performance long years of training help the mind adapt to resist mental fatigue, just as the body adapts to resist physical fatigue.You might say, work gets boring. But thats not you talking thats your governor. Its sneaky, making you feel bored or tired so you never get anywhere close to your capacity - or your potential.Every time youre doing some serious brain work, try and go a little longer without a break.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human PerformanceBeing boring is an important characteristic for inducing mental fatigue and, therefore, a brain training effect, he replied. Just do a longer session of one test at a time.Georgetown professor and author of the bestseller Deep Work, Cal Newport, recommends the exact same thing. Doing a little more each day is a simple method for increasing your brains stamina.(To learn the seven-step morning ritual that will make you happy all day, click here.)Dont stop reading now - dont give in to your go vernor. Just one more left 3) Perception beats realityIf it was all about how much gas you have in the tank, then your energy levels would always determine your performance. And you know thats not the case.Ever work longer and harder because theres a looming deadline? Ever suddenly feel tired because you look at the clock and realize youve been at it for hours? So its not about how depleted you actually are - its about how exhausted you think you are.Researchers call this perceived exertion. Your brain relies on cues from your body and environment to determine when you should feel exhausted - and when the governor should kick in.Researchers at Canterbury Christ Church University in Britain gave cyclists doses of caffeine before a series of time trials - but they didnt tell them exactly how much. The subjects that believed they had been given a moderate dose rode 1.3 percent faster. If they thought they had taken a high dose they were 3.1 percent faster. And those who thought they got the placebo rode 1.4 percent slower. But guess what?They had all been given the placebo. Their performance differences were completely due to their beliefs, not how much energy they really had. So we need to trick that governor.What makes you feel like youve been working hard? Do you eye the clock and say, Jeez, Ive been at this for hours? Do you look at the work youve completed and say, Whoa. Thats a lot?Reduce how much effort your governor perceives and youll reduce how tired you feel. And whats the best way to do that? Make any mental effort into a game.Work challenges you, frustrates you and takes hours. And you get tired. Video games challenge you, frustrate you and can take hours. And theyre addicting. Its all about perception.When you see things as a game, you dont perceive effort the same way. And so you keep going.Whats one of the things people who live through disaster scenarios have in common? They make survival a game.Happiness expert Shawn Achor said the best way t o deal with stress is to see problems as challenges, not threats.Kids do better in school when its treated like a game.And Navy SEALJames Waters said the same thing about getting through his trainingMany people dont recognize that what theyre doing at BUD/S is assessing your ability to handle a difficult circumstance and keep going. Its a game. If you want to be a Navy SEAL, youve got to play that game. Youve got to have fun with it and youve got to keep your eye on the bigger picture.So how do you make things into a game? Challenge yourself. Set a goal. Get feedback. Score yourself. And try to do better. Can I accomplish this faster than I did last time? Can I cut this from 5 pages to 4 and still get my point across?(To learn more about how to increase mental toughness - from Navy SEALs and Olympians, click here.)Okay, weve learned a lot. Lets round it all up and find out why everyones favorite mental stamina booster - caffeine - is proof that these tips can help Sum UpThis is h ow to become mentally strongCheer up Smile. Be optimistic. Laugh. They improve endurance and grit. (Side effects may include happiness and enjoying life.)Train your brain Push that mental muscle and it will grow. Work a little longer each time and youll be able to work a lot longer over time.Perceptions beats reality Reduce the signals that make you think things are tiring and they wont be as tiring. Make it a game instead of a chore.Caffeine gives you more energy, right? Wrong. Caffeine doesnt give you more of anything.Adenosine is a chemical in your body that tells your brain youre tired. And caffeine blocks adenosine. The tired message never reaches the governor, and so the governor doesnt hit the brakes. Caffeine works via that same principle we talked about above - it reduces perception of effort.And that, dearie, is what keeps coffee-guzzling bloggers blogging.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance caffeines ability to shut down receptor s in the brain that detect the presence of adenosine, a neuromodulator molecule associated with mental fatigue. Warding off mental fatigue, in turn, keeps your sense of effort lower, allowing you to exert yourself harder and longer.So you dont need more energy. You need to act like a giant caffeine molecule and hide cues in your environment that remind you how tired you should be.Throw in a few laughs and smiles. Build your endurance over time by extending your bouts of work a little each time. And, most of all, keep the Central Governor Theory in mind. You can always do more than you think.Remember how The Little Engine That Could kept going? Well, that tiny train didnt read as much science as you do, so youre one step ahead of him. She said, I think I can.You know you can.This article first appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

HR Tech Recap 3 Must-Know HR Industry Trends

HR Tech Recap 3 Must-Know HR Industry TrendsHR Tech Recap 3 Must-Know HR Industry TrendsLast week one of the largest and most anticipated HR conferences took place in Las Vegas, NV- HR Tech. Hundreds of companies and vendors attended and even mora HR professionals, thought leaders and industry experts. Simply Hired attended as well, and was delighted by the energy, technology and many conversations that were shared.The conference revealed how quickly and dramatically the recruitment industry is changing. HR technology is not a stagnant space. To demonstrate, job search has moved from scanning newspapers to searching on desktops to browsing on mobile apps. And where is the industry heading now?DataThe buzz around Big Data hasnt dwindled down yet, and we dont expect it to anytime soon. We saw at many sessions and demos that mora and more HR professionals are striving to make data-driven decisions. With the power of data, employers can identify candidates who have transferable skills, f ind applicants who are likely to become top performers, reduce attrition and turnover, and improve productivity, etc. Even at Simply Hired, we harness data to drive our product, analyzing job seeker behaviors to fine-tune our algorithms. Data has the potential to impact businesses in a way that was inconceivable 10 years ago.PersonalizationAs a result of having accessible data, an emphasis on personalization arose throughout HR Tech. From candidate experience to anwender experience, personalization has become a hot topic and it indicates that the recruitment space is beginning to focus more on the candidates perspective. Part of personalization means a better candidate experience, including a strong employer brand, a painless interview process and immediate follow up. On the technology side, personalization refers to a seamless user experience, particularly on the ATS front as well as a more effective job search. We at Simply Hired focus on this concept through parsing user intent t o try and eliminate irrelevant results. As the industry becomes more data savvy and sophisticated, we expect to see more and better personalization.InnovationAlthough not a new trend, we witnessed many new HR advancements. One notable product launch was Findlys CX Apply, which provides an easy solution to make your ATS mobile in just one day. This launch demonstrates the strides this industry has made, and proves that innovation through technology is the future. Butour biggest takeaway from HR Tech is that innovation has no finish line. This idea inspires much of the work that is achieved at Simply Hired. This year we saw a lot of momentum our mobile traffic has grown by 33% year-over-year, now at 40%, and with a high rated mobile app experience. But we wont stop here- stay tuned for moreRead related articles What We Dont Want to Miss at HR Tech This Year

Friday, December 13, 2019

Instrument Departure Procedures for Pilots

Instrument Departure Procedures for PilotsInstrument Departure Procedures for PilotsDeparture procedures are instrument flight procedures created to manage and protect departing traffic from obstacles and terrain. Instrument departure procedures come in two types Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODPs) and voreingestellt Instrument Departures (SIDs). ODPs provide obstruction clearance for pilots when departing on an instrument flight plan, and SIDs are meant to coordinate the transition from the terminal environment to the en route phase of flight in an efficient manner while ensuring obstacle and terrain clearance. Every airport with an approach procedure must be evaluated to determine if an obstacle departure procedure is necessary. To evaluate, the FAA uses a set of standards that are based on the pilot crossing the departure end of the runway (DER) at least 35 feet above the DER elevation, climbing to 400 feet above the DER elevation before making the anfangsbuchstabe turn, and mai ntaining a minimum climb gradient of 200 feet per nautical mile (FPNM). Obstacle Departure Procedures ODPs are meant to assist IFR pilots during the climb from therunway to the assigned or published en route altitude while avoiding obstacles and terrain. ODPs are commonly expressed in text, but occasionally in graphic form.In the familiar Department of Transportation charts, the ODPs are found in the U.S. Terminal Procedures, known in the vernacular as the approach plates.Textual ODPs are found in Section C (IFR Take-off Minimums and Departure Procedures) of the Terminal Procedures and the charted Obstacle DPs will be found following the approach charts for the specific airport. Obstacle departure procedures arent assigned by ATC. Instead, its up to the pilot to seek them out and fly them as necessary. Unless included in the IFR clearance, compliance with an ODP is not mandatory, but it is wise. Standard Instrument Departures Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) are assigne d by ATC and are found at busy airports. SIDs help ease the transition from the terminal airport environment to the en route phase of the flight, and compliance helps ATC manage the traffic flow. SIDs are designed with obstacle clearance in mind, as well as noise abatement, but are primarily used to reduce workload and radio chatter between pilots and controllers by managing the traffic flow in an efficient way. They are charted graphically and can be found alongside approach plates in the terminal procedures book. SIDs often include transition routes, which make the connection from the departure to an en route airway or course seamless. In a radar environment, radar SIDs are common, wherein controllers provide radar vectors to an en route fix.They usually include an initial course specific to the departure runway and a second phase, a transition to a fix that begins the route of flight.These SIDs usually include the departure frequency for the various directions of departure. Stan dard instrument departures often have mandatory climb gradients and navigational capabilities. Pilots should be aware of their aircraft climb performance and navigational capabilities (or lack thereof) before accepting a SID from air traffic control. RNAV Departures Area navigation (RNAV) departures are becoming mora common as the use of GPS and ADS-B is becoming more widespread. RNAV routes will allow a properly equipped RNAV airplane to fly a more efficient course, since these aircraft will not necessarily need to rely on traditional means of navigating, such as VORs. The course of an RNAV departure can be customized to follow a curved course to avoid airspace, population areas for noise avoidance, or other airports.RNAV departures are currently being developed as part of the FAAs National Airspace Redesign project and should allow for more efficient air transportation, as pilots will more often be able to fly direct routes.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Heres What I Know About How to List Double Major on Resume

Heres What I Know About How to List Double Major on Resume Whispered How to List Double Major on Resume Secrets A persons skill set is comprised of an assortment of personal skills that theyve acquired through education and employment. Your aim is to land an interview by giving the employer a compelling summary of the job abilities and experience that make you a nice candidate. Its possible to take action to increase the section with certifications or other expert development achievements. Obviously, everybodys experience and goals are different, meaning everyones resume situation differs, too. It is very important to use proper phrasing in your resume, emphasizing the keywords mentioned in the work description in connection with the abilities and accomplishments you have opted to highlight. Based on where youre in your career, you are going to want your resume to highlight distinctive things. Exposure to new things Tackling more than 1 subject at once will offer you exposure to various industries and opportunities, making it simpler to choose what you wish to do down the line. Besides studying, there are many different activities for you to make the most of in college. Any volunteer experience can be helpful to include too. There are an assortment of programs available to aid students break free from the boundaries of a single major. Such exceptional honors indicate exceptional ability to the employer and provide the impression of succeeding. The more you may create interest all around your work experience, the better. If youre eager to put in the additional work, you will reap the additional rewards. Just be certain to highlight any significant projects you worked on or any cultural experiences you wouldnt have gained elsewhere. At precisely the same time, it offers a means to highlight your accomplishments. LinkedIn is the ideal platform to locate other members in your area. Employers want to realize that you have what it requires to be succ essful at work. You are able to post jobs straight to the LinkedIn group. The Communication department does not provide a minor in Communication. Putting your name on your resume isnt as easy as it appears. Its always preferable to make a new email address thats somewhat professional. Also, make certain youve got a professional-sounding email address. Typically, such a significant will also schliff a minor, or perchance a double major, in computer science. Selecting a major is among the most critical decisions youll ever make during your college career. The secret is to guarantee clean formatting and effortless readability. By way of example, political science and economics joint majors are typical. It could be quite confusing for a reader to ascertain what your degree is in or in case you have several degrees if theres more than 1 entry. As a way to graduate with two degrees, you have to do much more work than students graduating with only one major. You are able to also list the subjects or units related to the job that youre applying for. Meaning, begin with the latest ones and go backward from that point. Mathematics majors that are interested in elementary education ought to consider the chance of such a career path. It is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is one of a few key sections employers look for on resumes. School districts all over the country are increasingly in demand of mathematics specialists in elementary schools.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Untold Story About Dcma Resume Writing Service That You Must Read

The Untold Story About Dcma Resume Writing Service That You Must Read It is possible to also send a duplicate of yur current resume, which will offer some crucial details. When the info is received, Mr. Wolf will call you, and go over all your information, in addition to any other information thats needed. There arent any samples on the site. The samples of the resumes can be seen zugreifbar thus providing you an exceptional opportunity to decide whether you want to use their expert services. If youre thinking that you will need someone to compose my essay at this time, you can merely rely on our honest reviews. Imagine the caliber of writing youll receive from an affordable essay writing service. Our writers must be in a position to access the appropriate resources and place in whatever amount of time that it requires to customize your resume properly. Yes, theres a person who can assist you with your essays expert essay writers at MyPerfectWords. If youre a brand-new grad uate seeking to create your start on your career ladder, we can still help you distinguish yourself from the crowd. Its experience is dependent on its years of practice in the area of career consultancy. Our services are supplied by professional resume writers experienced preparing resumes for a huge collection of industries, sectors and career places. The Fight Against Dcma Resume Writing Service In the darbietung you want to go started, its quite simple to order from Resume Writers. By choosing one of the Federal Resume Writing Serviceslisted above, you will know that youre getting an effective resume which will help you acquire the interview you must attain the job that you want so bad. Resumes can be written in as few as 24 hours when required. Resume Strong is among the best resume writing services Sacramento you come searching for. Completing work search within the San Francisco region grows more confusing with the large number of job boards. You dont need to be worri ed about having a resume writer whos unaware of the role that youre applying for. Finding the very best San Francisco resume writer can be hard. Dcma Resume Writing Service - the Story Thirdly, efficient communication demands attention. Or if you prefer to physically get a copy of the finished product. Writing a federal resume means following federal resume guidelines to ensure hiring managers are ready to locate the specific details they want to get with only a quick glance. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Dcma Resume Writing Service Because every work announcement will require a tailored resume, theres no federal resume writing guide that will supply you with surefire outcomes. Any extra career documents will also be useful for our career coaches to estimate the process, cost, and next actions in the federal government resume-writing approach. The very best part was I landed a new job in only a month or two As a conclusion, our group of skilled experts also provides a last verdict which will help you make a well-informed choice. Federal hiring managers wish to know you can follow instructions until they consider your actual qualifications. You must promote your executive candidacy beyond qualifications if you prefer to conduct a highly prosperous executive job search campaign. If youre on the lookout for professional federal resume writing services you may trust to secure you the federal job youve always wanted, SES Resume Writers is just what you want. Creatively written Federal Resumesthat will make you distinguish yourself from the remainder of the candidates. There arent any hidden charges and all services are ensured. The pricing for federal resume services varies based on numerous important elements. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to steer clear of low high quality services. In any event, youll get precisely the same personalized provider, and have a resume prepa red which meets all your exacting needs.