Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Future is Gail Vivar College Senior and Journalist Using Her Voice For Good

The Future is Gail Vivar College Senior and Journalist Using Her Voice For Good As the editor in chief of Temples yearbook, a weekend social editor for The FADER, and the former campus editor of The reiter Temple, publishing powerhouse and Temple University senior Gail Vivar is using zu sich voice for good. As a Latina and External Communications Director of AdEL (a Latinx student organization), she knows that minorities need to be better represented in local media. And she is making sure that representation happens in every project she works on.Vivar recently shared how she is making a difference by reporting on the issues that matter, how she has worked giving back into all of her roles and her best advice for young women who are struggling to find mentors that look like them.How are you making an impact on your local community?I am the editor in chief of Temples annual yearbook for the second year in a row, the former campus editor of The Tab Temple, the External Communications Di rector of AdEL (a Latinx student organization), and Im a weekend social editor for The FADER. With all my positions, I aim to inspire students who are part of my team and guide them to finding their own potential like I did. We all need an encouraging role model in college who will listen and help you when needed. I was lucky to have upperclassmen and colleagues who passed down their wisdom, so thats sohonigweinhing I love to do, and its extremely rewarding. As a Latina, I love representing my people and making sure minority student organizations are represented in our yearbook and media, and supporting them with my leadership positions.What made you passionate about your roles?Being at a school like mine made me realize how special it is to be different. My leadership positions allow me to make the change Ive always wanted to make, because Im able to advocate for minorities who are elend represented enough. My passion comes from seeing how happy students are when they see their stu dent organization being covered for the first time in our yearbooks history. We need more minorities in dienstgrad, and I love knowing that Im that girl whos trying to do it all while also inspiring other women to do the same.How did you get in this position? Were you elected, selected, or did you start the project yourself? What steps did you take to fulfill this role? Did you study something specific, join this club first year, etc.I was selected for fruchtwein of my positions, but one of my best stories is how I landed my freelance position with The FADER. A year ago, I was the campus editor for The Tab Temple. It was around our student elections for Temple Student Government. I related a lot to one of the campaign teams, because they were treated unfairly as the only team made up of minorities. They had the best resume, and were qualified to be our next executive board. They told me about every roadblock they faced, and how other publications on campus did elend publish the full story of their struggles. I published it, and I made a lot of people mad mostly the Temple students who did not want to recognize that our campus is no different than our country. Racism is alive, and its up to student activists to make sure that every voice thats been hidden is heard by everyone. The article was shared enough that the current social director of The FADER reached out. She had read my article as an alumnae from Temple. She asked me to apply, and I couldnt believe my article resonated with someone who graduated a few years ago.What other activities, projects, or jobs do you do at school? Spill your resumeI recently accepted my new social internship position with WHYY. My life is basically yearbook, school work, WHYY, and FADER work on Saturdays.What is an accomplishment youre proud of?Im very proud of working with The FADER and being the EIC of Templar Yearbook. I love knowing that Im one of many talented women in charge of large publications. And I love knowing tha t I can be a role model to girls who always searched for one like I did.What is a challenge that youve faced and overcome?Theres always backlash when you write or do something that opens peoples eyes to the truth. However, my biggest challenge is myself. I am the worst critic of my work, and I expect so much from myself. I hate disappointing people. Ive always felt like I had no room to make any errors as a Latina, and Ive always put the most stress on myself.What advice do you have for women who want to make a difference at their school?Dont be afraid to speak up Ask people who are in leadership positions about how they got their position and ask questions. If they dont help, then keep asking others who could eventually give you guidance you might need Also, dont be discouraged if you dont see people who look like you in leadership positions, because it could be you if you keep trying and working hard. My best advice is to be annoying and get what you want until people see your pot ential. If people dont want to listen to your ideas, find ways to make the idea better or ask why your idea isnt good. Youll be surprised.Who is YOUR Fairygodboss? Why?My mom, for sure Ive met many strong women in my college career and in the internships Ive had. However, my mom is the one who taught me to get what I want and to never doubt the value of myself. She sacrificed so much to make sure my future is bright, and I cant thank her enough.Lightning Round Whats Your Karaoke Song?Crazy In Love by Beyonce or No Air by Chris Brown and Jordin Sparks.Lightning Round Whats Your Favorite Book?Becoming.Lightning Round Whats Your Favorite Movie?The Breakfast Club.Lightning Round Whats Your Favorite Quote?Be a light for all to see.Fairygodboss is all about celebrating female leaders so each week, we celebrate a young woman who is making a difference in her school or local community. Do you know a student leader whos making an impact? Celebrate her and thank her by nominating her here.

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